John Sutton (82/86): Crossed for a try… on offence, had an line break, an line break assist and 8 tackle breaks… 38 tackles… covered 86 run metres on the ground with 105
George Burgess (65/68): On offence, registered 6 tackle breaks and an offload… 35 tackles… gained 187 run metres on his feet with 120… 2 missed tackles and 2 errors
Issac Luke (53/54): Going forward, managed 5 tackle breaks and an offload… 31 tackles… ran 90 times for 117 run metres… 3 missed tackles
Bryson Goodwin (52/51): In attack, registered an line break and 7 tackle breaks… 15 tackles… covered 141 run metres on the ground with 98
Glenn Stewart (48/45): Without the ball, was credited with 5 1-on-1 tackles… 43 tackles… gained 57 run metres on his feet with 105… 3 missed tackles
Dylan Walker (43/61): Crossed for a try… with ball in hand, worked for an try assist, an line break, an line break assist and 2 tackle breaks… 12 tackles… ran 94 times for 100 run metres
Adam Reynolds (41/55): Registered 4 conversions of 4 attempts with the boot… when in defence, contributed with 5 1-on-1 tackles… 21 tackles… 3 missed tackles and an error
Tim Grant (37/40): 30 tackles… gained 113 run metres on his feet with 110… an missed tackle and an error
Thomas Burgess (36/39): 21 tackles… covered 116 run metres on the ground with 120
Alex Johnston (28/30): Scored a try… in attack, worked for an line break, 4 tackle breaks and an offload
Luke Keary (25/37): In attack, managed an try assist, an line break assist and 2 tackle breaks… 18 tackles… 3 missed tackles and an error
Chris McQueen (24/23): 22 tackles… gained 61 run metres on his feet with 101
Greg Inglis (18/41): Gained 132 run metres on his feet with 105… 3 errors
Kyle Turner (15/18): 10 tackles… gained 53 run metres on his feet with 103
Chris Grevsmuhl (12/16): 14 tackles… 3 missed tackles
David Tyrrell (10/22): 12 tackles… covered 69 run metres on the ground with 102… 4 missed tackles
Aaron Gray (8/14): When in defence, got stuck in with 3 kicks defused… covered 53 run metres on the ground with 95
Bryce Cartwright (73/92): Went over for a try… with ball in hand, registered 2 line breaks, 6 tackle breaks and 2 offloads… 30 tackles… ran 106 times for 135 run metres… 3 missed tackles
James Segeyaro (54/68): Scored a try… on the attacking side of the ball, had an line break, 2 tackle breaks and 2 offloads… 49 tackles… 9 missed tackles
Sam McKendry (50/50): On offence, had 2 tackle breaks and an offload… 35 tackles… covered 132 run metres on the ground with 110… 2 missed tackles
Elijah Taylor (45/47): On defence, had 3 1-on-1 tackles… 54 tackles… ran 102 times for 54 run metres… 5 missed tackles and an error
Reagan Campbell-Gillard (41/47): 28 tackles… gained 137 run metres on his feet with 107… 3 missed tackles
Lewis Brown (39/48): Went over for a try… on the attacking side of the ball, totalled 3 tackle breaks and an offload… 19 tackles… ran 98 times for 93 run metres… an missed tackle and 2 errors
Sika Manu (32/35): 22 tackles… gained 101 run metres on his feet with 110
Jeremy Latimore (31/37): 29 tackles… gained 96 run metres on his feet with 109… 5 missed tackles
Tyrone Peachey (31/27): With ball in hand, racked up an try assist, an line break assist and 4 tackle breaks… 12 tackles… gained 83 run metres on his feet with 95… an missed tackle and 2 errors
Isaah Yeo (28/32): 15 tackles… gained 99 run metres on his feet with 100
Will Smith (27/49): On the attacking side of the ball, totalled an try assist, an line break assist, 3 tackle breaks and an offload… ran 84 times for 92 run metres… 2 missed tackles and an error
Jamie Soward (25/46): Registered 2 conversions of 3 attempts with the boot
Isaac John (25/39): On offence, registered an line break, an tackle break and an offload… 21 tackles… covered 59 run metres on the ground with 90… 5 missed tackles
Leilani Latu (22/26): 16 tackles… ran 111 times for 85 run metres
Waqa Blake (21/26): When in attack, accumulated 2 tackle breaks and 3 offloads… covered 95 run metres on the ground with 93… an missed tackle and 2 errors
Josh Mansour (17/36): When in attack, managed an tackle break and 2 offloads… ran 96 times for 122 run metres… 2 missed tackles and 2 errors
Robert Jennings (-1/1):