Michael Lichaa (63/56): 59 tackles
Frank Pritchard (43/67): Crossed the line for 2 tries… with ball in hand, worked for an line break and 2 tackle breaks… 13 tackles… gained 63 run metres on his feet with 115
Tim Browne (41/43): Without the ball, managed 3 1-on-1 tackles… 38 tackles… ran 111 times for 91 run metres… an error and 2 penalties. Coped a knock at 37m.
Sam Perrett (40/41): On the attacking side of the ball, managed an try assist, an line break assist, 5 tackle breaks and an offload… covered 158 run metres on the ground with 93
Josh Jackson (38/46): Without the ball, contributed with 3 1-on-1 tackles… 35 tackles… gained 74 run metres on his feet with 99. Copped a knock at 62m.
Curtis Rona (34/66): Scored a try… on offence, managed an line break, an line break assist, 3 tackle breaks and 2 offloads… covered 93 run metres on the ground with 102
Aiden Tolman (32/43): 27 tackles… gained 136 run metres on his feet with 102… 2 missed tackles and an error
Trent Hodkinson (31/40): Kicked 1 conversions of 3 attempts… 14 tackles
Sam Kasiano (26/34): 18 tackles… covered 100 run metres on the ground with 125… 3 missed tackles
Moses Mbye (26/44): On the attacking side of the ball, racked up an try assist, an line break, an tackle break and an offload… 10 tackles… gained 103 run metres on his feet with 89… 2 missed tackles and an error
Lloyd Perrett (26/24): 22 tackles
Tony Williams (20/24): 13 tackles… gained 81 run metres on his feet with 120
Josh Reynolds (18/17): 19 tackles… 4 missed tackles and an error
Corey Thompson (18/24): Ran 92 times for 68 run metres
Chase Stanley (15/34): 13 tackles
Antonio Kaufusi (14/17): 12 tackles… covered 61 run metres on the ground with 114
Greg Eastwood (13/26): 15 tackles… ran 112 times for 59 run metres… 4 missed tackles
Robbie Farah (58/47): On the defensive side, contributed with 5 1-on-1 tackles… 45 tackles
Aaron Woods (56/67): 34 tackles… covered 222 run metres on the ground with 114… 3 penalties
Martin Taupau (43/42): On the attacking side of the ball, racked up 3 tackle breaks… 28 tackles… covered 103 run metres on the ground with 112
Luke Brooks (43/75): Crossed the line for 2 tries… with ball in hand, managed 3 tackle breaks… 15 tackles… 2 missed tackles
James Tedesco (41/77): First try… scored 2 tries… on the attacking side of the ball, had an try assist and 2 tackle breaks… covered 128 run metres on the ground with 93
Sauaso Sue (40/40): When in attack, registered 4 tackle breaks… 17 tackles… ran 107 times for 152 run metres
Pat Richards (38/61): Went over for a try… converted 4 conversions of 5 attempts attempts at goal… going forward, registered an line break and 2 tackle breaks… gained 73 run metres on his feet with 101. Blood gushed from a cheek wound at 27m.
Mitchell Moses (37/41): Converted 1 conversions of an attempt attempts at goal… 19 tackles… 4 missed tackles
Delouise Hoeter (36/31): 18 tackles… gained 116 run metres on his feet with 88
Curtis Sironen (33/34): In defence, delivered 5 1-on-1 tackles… 28 tackles… ran 104 times for 90 run metres… 2 missed tackles
Kevin Naiqama (31/63): Crossed the line for a try… going forward, worked for 2 try assists, an line break and an tackle break… gained 119 run metres on his feet with 93… 2 missed tackles and 2 errors
Ava Seumanufagai (26/28): 14 tackles… ran 114 times for 128 run metres
Kyle Lovett (26/33): On defence, delivered 3 1-on-1 tackles… 23 tackles… gained 57 run metres on his feet with 98
Tim Simona (21/27): 11 tackles… ran 90 times for 88 run metres… 2 errors
Matthew Lodge (21/21): 18 tackles… covered 93 run metres on the ground with 118… an missed tackle and an error
Dene Halatau (17/20): Ran 91 times for 63 run metres
Chris Lawrence (16/20): 11 tackles… ran 98 times for 70 run metres