Evans knock on 25m out from the line to stop the first Bronco attack. (1H 01:55)
McCullough is held up over the line under a double tackle, but the Roosters are ruled offside so the Broncos get another chance. (1H 03:27)
Alick commits an error to spurn that opportunity. (1H 03:57)
Williams knocks on in attack in midfield. (1H 04:27)
Nicholls reaches out under a double tackle and scores on the right side after the Broncos get a number of sets in the Roosters’ half. (1H 07:29)
A half of errors and lack of inspiration on attack from both sides. (1H 09:00)
Nicholls gives to Alick on the left wing but two Roosters tackle him over the sideline. (2H 09:31)
Tuivasa-Sheck baulks around several Broncos on the left wing but falls across the try line on his back and is held up. The ref rules a strip, line drop out. (2H 11:32)
Nikorima prevents a try with a tackle, then the Broncos swarm again to force a handover on their own line. (2H 12:32)
Tuivasa-Sheck has to go back for a long kick, he baulks two but is eventually claimed by Lowrie in the in goal. (2H 13:32)
Stapleton fumbles under a tackle on attack on the right wing, another error in a low quality game. (2H 15:55)
McCullough is the next to knock on under a tackle. (2H 15:55)
Tuivasa-Sheck puts on a step to somehow find a hole in the Broncos line, he runs around and almost makes it a bonus try. He converts. (2H 17:01)
The Broncos throw it around on the last play after the hooter, but a forward pass invalidates what would have been an exciting score. (2H 18:00)